Details about encounter between Maoists and Security Forces near Gorli-Mutheli Jungle(PS Katekalyan/Kukanar along Dantewada-Sukma Interdistrict area)

Details about encounter between Maoists and Security Forces near Gorli-Mutheli Jungle(PS Katekalyan/Kukanar along  Dantewada-Sukma Interdistrict area)

Chhattisgarh ( Dantewada - Sukma ) Om Prakash Singh. Based on information about presence of CPI Maoist cadres of Pedaras LOS and Katekalyan Area Committee formations in the jungles of Jiyakortha, Gorli, Mutheli and Danikortha area, a search operation was launched by joint teams comprising of Dantewada DRG/Sukma DRG/CRPF 230 Bn/CAF troops in the early hours of 15th March 2022.

At around  1130 hrs there was an exchange of fire between Maosits and security forces in between the jungles of Gorli and Mutheli  (PS Katekalyan/PS Kukanar area along  District Dantewada-Sukma Interdistrict border). 

During search of the spot, dead bodies of two female naxal cadres were  recovered from the spot. As per the preliminary identification report the deceased cadres are identified as

01) Manjula Punem, Peadaras LOS commander

02) Muchaki Gangi, DVC Protection team member

Two 12 bore rifle and one country made weapon recovered from the spot.

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