Green Care Society India starts Forest & Water Conservation Campaign on United Nations World Forestry Day and World Water Day.

Green Care Society India starts Forest & Water Conservation Campaign on United Nations World Forestry Day and World Water Day.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6 Clean Water and 13 Climate Action will be rejuvenated to prevent climate change and water forest loss crisis: Biswanath

Chhattisgarh ( Dantewada ) Om Prakash Singh. Water, Forest, Land, Air, Temperature are essential components for an existence of life on the earth. If there is a tree, then there is water and if there is water, then there is life. Following this slogan, it is everyone's responsibility to preserve and promote these natural components on the earth. But the continuous illegal, unnecessary and unscientific cutting of forests has put global warming and climate change in danger. At the same time, due to wastage of water and lack of water conservation, the world is leading us towards a big crisis. Today, by preparing all these warnings in the form of posters, Green Care Society India is running an awareness campaign in public interest.

Calculating wastage of water and deforestation was displayed through short video clipping prepared by Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi Founder & President, Green Care Society India. Urged to make good use of every drop of water. Along with this, while giving concise information on World Forestry Day on the theme of "Forests and Sustainable Production and Consumption", Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi said that we should give some time to the forests. Also defining the principle of protecting the forest, said that if we want to save the world from global warming and climate change crisis, then we have to increase the forest and conserve water in more quantity. At the same time, nature should also work on the principle of reproduction. Amujuri Biswanath, Director and Educationist of Green Care Society India said that on the occasion of World Forestry Day 2022 in collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and World Water Day 2022 in collaboration with the United Nations Water Organization, there is an international and national programme on the subject of Ground Water Making the Invisible Visible. It is the duty of every person to preserve and protect "Jal - Jungle - Jameen (Water, Forest and Land)", so that the human, animals and the environment remain sustainable for a long time on the earth. Simultaneously, Amujuri Biswanath, Director of Green Care Society India, said that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6 Clean Water and 13 Climate Action for the rejuvenation in collaboration with Ministry of Water Resources, River Development, Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India and the Government of Chhattisgarh respectively to prevent climate change and water forest loss crisis. Programs will be organized on various subjects. Otherwise the next world and national crisis will be for water and forests.  Keeping an eye on this, free awareness programs, competitions, projects, activities and awards will be organized on various subjects for environmentalists, educationists, students, professionals and social organisations at free of cost.

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