Green Care Society India suggests the Kingdom of Atlantis for Sustainable Development Goals.

Green Care Society India suggests the Kingdom of Atlantis for Sustainable Development Goals.

Great personalities from 28 countries including Chhattisgarh India expressed their views in international conference.

There is a need for protection and revival of water, forest and land for life-friendly: Amujuri Biswanath

Sky and Space should also be included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi

Chhattisgarh( Geedam-Dantewada ) Om Prakash Singh. United Nations set 17 Sustainable Development Goals for a better life on earth, which are intended to be met by 2030. National, international brainstorming, webinars, workshops, conferences, programs are going on continuously on this SDGs target. Green Care Society India has continuously participated in many programs and has sent many suggestions to the United Nations. 

In its latest episode, the Atlantis Planetary Prime Minister Mauro Virginia Poltichia, Minister of State for Sustainable Development Dr. Prateek Rajan Mungekar, President Michael Puzzolante co-organisers organized a 2-days Sustainable Development Goals and Innovation International Conference through online by the Kingdom of Atlantis. Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi, Founder & President of Green Care Society India from Chhattisgarh spoke on SDG Goal No. 6 Clean Water & Sanitation and Director & COO of Green Care Society India as well as International SDG Warrior Amujuri Biswanath spoke on SDG Goal No. 15 Life on Land.


Referring to the proclamation of Jai Johar, Chhattisgarhiya Sab Le Badhiya and the rationale, Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi proposed that total 17 Global Goals have been set by the United Nations on various issues, but there is no independent SDG target for sky and space. The role of Sky and Space is very important to make life happy on earth, without which life is not possible. Many international speakers participating in the webinar also took it seriously. Amujuri Biswanath gave his best view on SDG No. 15 Life on Land and also said that one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015,l. The official goal is to "protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forests, combat desertification, prevent land degradation and prevent biodiversity loss."  Efforts are on to achieve these goals by 2030 and informed the international community giving a detailed description of 4R technology Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Repeat.  On this occasion, Dr. Shelly Bisht from India and Nur Ahmed from Bangladesh done as moderator and motivated the guest speakers. In this international conference, great personalities from 28 countries including India, Indonesia, Croatia, Zimbabwe, Sweden, Vietnam, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Italy, Sudan, Romania, Greece, South Africa, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Tunisia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Israel, Bangladesh, Italy expressed their views.

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