Amujuri Biswanath gets approval from Asteroid Foundation Luxembourg to organise International Asteroid Day Fortnight Program in India

Amujuri Biswanath gets approval from Asteroid Foundation Luxembourg to organise International Asteroid Day Fortnight Program in India

United Nations sanctioned officially at global level.

125 programs across the world including 15 from India and 1 program from Dantewada Chhattisgarh are being organised .

Chhattisgarh ( Dantewada ) Om Prakash Singh.Dantewada International Asteroid Day is celebrated to raise public awareness of the hazard of an asteroid impact and to inform the public about the crisis communication actions to be taken on a global scale in case of a threat to a credible near-Earth objects. The Asteroid Foundation Luxembourg has given official approval to India's Amujuri Biswanath to organize a fortnight program on International Asteroid Day 2022. A 15-day program on the theme of "Small is Beautiful" for the year 2022 is being organized from 30 June to 14 July. 

 Amujuri Biswanath is currently working as a teacher at Aastha Vidya Mandir, Education City Jawanga, Dantewada, Chhattisgarh, and International Teacher Liaison Officer of Space Foundation, Colorado Springs, USA and an expert in the Indian Science Congress organization under the Ministry of Science Technology, Government of India. 

Starting program was inaugurated at Aastha Vidya Mandir Jawanga Geedam by performing live project demonstration on 30th June. In this program students demonstrated asteroid and solar system models. 125 events are being organized in different countries across the world including 15 from India.  Out of these, only one person is Amujuri Biswanath from Dantewada in Chhattisgarh state who has got official approval to organize online and offline fortnight program on International Asteroid Day 2022. Amujuri Biswanath said that various programs like webinars, competitions, award functions have been included in this program at free of cost for all students, teachers, scientists, researchers, journalists and general public.

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