Details about recovery of two naxal dead bodies by Kanker DRG Team after an encounter in Kadme forest PS Siksod, District Kanker- IG, SUNDARRAJ P.

Details about recovery of two naxal dead bodies by Kanker  DRG Team after an encounter in Kadme forest PS Siksod, District Kanker- IG, SUNDARRAJ P.

Chhattisgarh ( kanker/Siksod ) Om Prakash Singh. Based on a specific information regarding the presence of a Naxal cadres  near Kadme village PS Siksod in Kanker District an operation was launched by  DRG and BSF teams.

While   the troops  were searching the  area of Metabodli and Kadme jungle when Naxal party opened fire on the DRG party. After retaliation by the DRG the Naxals fled from the spot.

On searching the area, Two male naxal dead bodies along with weapons were recovered from the spot.

Primary identification indicates one of the dead Maosit is  DVC Darshan Padda, Pratapur Area Committee Secretary and North Bastar Divisional Committe Member.

Identity of other Cadre is being established.

Huge quantities of arms/ammunition/explosive materials and camping items recovered from the spot.

BSF troops and DRG teams have cordoned the area and are continuing the search operations.

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