Geedam block level Youth Festival started in Jawanga.

Geedam block level Youth Festival started in Jawanga.

Chhattisgarh ( Geedam/Dantewada ) Om Prakash Singh. A two days Block Level Youth Festival for the year 2022-23 was started on Friday at Education City Jawanga by Geedam block in collaboration with Dantewada District Administration on the orders of Sports and Youth Welfare Department, Government of Chhattisgarh, Raipur. 

In the program, Chief Guest Chhattisgarh Food Corporation Board Member Vimal Surana, Special Guests Geedam Nagar Panchayat President Sakshi Surana and Geedam Block Congress Committee Vice President Ravish Surana inaugurated the Block level Youth Festival by garlanding the Chhattisgarh Mahatari and they said that Chhattisgarh Government has many schemes in welfare of the youth. It is being run and the youth have played an important role in the development of the state.  The children of Aastha Vidya Mandir Jawanga started the program by singing Chhattisgarh state song "Arpa Pari Ke Dhar". 


Program Nodal Officer cum Assistant Block Education Officer Geedam Bhawani Punem, Assistant Nodal Officer cum Block Resource Coordinator Geedam Jitendra Sharma, BMC Anil Sharma encouraged the youth and gave information about the program format explaining the importance of the youth festival.


Cluster Coordinator Jitendra Chauhan and Madhu Uke managed the stage by welcoming the guests.  Headmaster Farna Rizvi, senior teachers Amujuri Biswanath, Mahendra Mandvi, Superintendents Pramod Karma, Prabha Yalam concluded successfully the intellectual competition. 


PTI Rajnees Oswal, Ajay Singh, Komal Singh and Naina conducted sports competitions in a systematic manner. All cluster coordinators, teachers, superintendents gave their participation in organizing the youth festival. On the first day Kabbadi, Khokho, Vadan, Quiz, impromptu speech, essay, classical singing competitions were organized in which the youth participated very enthusiastically.

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