Chhattisgarh : Dantewada Reserve Bank of India All India Quiz 2023 Block Level Competition organized in Geedam


Chhattisgarh : Dantewada Reserve Bank of India All India Quiz 2023 Block Level Competition organized in Geedam

Chhattisgarh ( Dantewada/Geedam ) Om Prakash Singh. Reserve Bank of India All India Quiz 2023 Block Level competition, written examination on the theme of financial literacy was organized at Government Higher Secondary School Geedam. District Education Officer Dantewada Pramod Thakur and Assistant Director Ahilya Thakur inspected the quiz competition and inspired the students. 

Along with studies, financial literacy is necessary to gain knowledge and information at the school level and it helps in daily life. A total of 36 students studying in class 8th to class 10th from 18 schools of Geedam Block participated in the quiz.  The organizer of the program, Shivram Baghel, Lead Bank Manager, State Bank of India, Dantewada, said that financial literacy provides awareness on the country's economic system, various institutions, banks and budget. 

In this competition, Himanshi Sharma and Ujjwal Singh Thakur of Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School, Karli, Jawanga secured the first position, Vijay Kumar and Narendra Hapka of Government Pota Cabin High School, Bangapal secured the second position, Pappu Bhardwaj and Ayush Jain of Astha Vidya Mandir English Medium School, Jawanga secured the third position.  Subject experts Amujuri Biswanath and Mahendra Mandvi did the examination answer sheet evaluation smoothly. The first winner team in block level quiz competition will participate in district level quiz competition. After district level, state level and national level quiz competition will also be organized. Principal Jitendra Yadav, Rajendra Kumar Assistant Grade 3 Dantewada, Om Prakash Sahu, Gautam Dhruv and teachers of other schools were present in this program.

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