CG Forest Minister Mohammad Akbar and officials release Green Care Society India's International Biodiversity Week 2023 Flyer. • Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi was honored State Level Biodiversity Award with a check of Rs. 25,000 and citation. • IBDW of conferences, competitions and award ceremony is being organized from 22nd to 28th May on "Build Back Biodiversity".

CG Forest Minister Mohammad Akbar and officials release Green Care Society India's International Biodiversity Week 2023 Flyer.

• Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi was honored State Level Biodiversity Award with a check of Rs. 25,000 and citation.

• IBDW of conferences, competitions and award ceremony is being organized from 22nd to 28th May on "Build Back Biodiversity".

Chhattisgarh ( Dantewada/Raipur ) Om Prakash Singh .
International Biodiversity Day State Level felicitation ceremony was organised by Chhattisgarh State Biodiversity Board, Department of Forest and Climate Change, Government of Chhattisgarh at TCH Hall of Aranya Bhawan, Forest Headquarters, Naya Raipur. Environmentalist Green Care Society India Founder & President Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi was honoured State Level Biodiversity Award with a check of Rs. 25,000 and citation from Chief Guest Chhattisgarh Forest Minister Janab Mohammad Akbar for his excellent work on public awareness of biodiversity and wildlife conservation. 

Chhattisgarh Forest Minister Janab Mohammad Akbar along with Chhattisgarh State Biodiversity Board Chairman Rakesh Chaturvedi, Principal Forest Secretary Manoj Pingua, Chhattisgarh State Biodiversity Board Member Secretary Arun Pandey, Principal Chief Secretary Forest Srinivasa Rao, Deputy Conservator Forest JFM Alok Tiwari and Atul Tiwari released International Biodiversity Week Awareness and Action Flyer which was prepared by Amujuri Biswanath, Director & COO of Green Care Society India. On this occasion Dr. Vishwanath Panigrahi gave the information on biodiversity and called for "We Preserve Our Biodiversity". 

Director & COO of Green Care Society India from Dantewada Amujuri Biswanath said that International Biodiversity Week is being celebrated by Green Care Society India with the official approval of United Nations Environment Programme and Convention on Biological Diversity. Online and offline biodiversity conferences, painting, speech and Sustainable Development Goals 13 Climate Action, 14 Life Below Water, 15 Life on Land action cum awareness competitions and Award Ceremony are being organized at free of cost for students, professionals and general public. This program is being organized from 22nd to 28th May and the last date for submitting the entries has been notified as 31st May 2023.

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