Chhattisgarh : Amujuri Biswanath gets approval from WSWA Texas USA to organise World Space Week 2023 in India.

Chhattisgarh : Amujuri Biswanath gets approval from WSWA Texas USA to organise World Space Week 2023 in India.

  • Conferences, projects and competitions are being held from 4 to 10 October on the theme of "Space and Entrepreneurship".

• Only one organizer in Chhattisgarh and Odisha including more than 100 global countries.

Chhattisgarh( Geedam/Dantewada ) Om Prakash Singh. Space and Entrepreneurship theme has been selected for World Space Week 2023 by the World Space Week Association, Houston, Texas, USA. Universal Science, Technology and Innovation Council - India has got the opportunity to organize events through online and offline in the country at free of cost.  Amujuri Biswanath, the only organizer from Chhattisgarh and Odisha states has received the official confirmation to conduct the program through email from World Space Week Association, Houston, Texas, USA. Chairman & CEO of Universal Science, Technology and Innovation Council-India cum International Teacher Liaison Officer of Space Foundation, Colorado USA, Amujuri Bishwanath informed that former ISRO scientist and project manager Prof. 

Elangovan Rajagopalan has been appointed as USTICI President of the programme and United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Space Foundation Colorado USA, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), International Astronomical Union, International Telecommunication Union, Space Education Research and Development Association, Green Care Society India and more than 100 countries are supporting the events. This year 2023, it is being sponsored by Sierra Nevada Corporation, GHUEM, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, Viasat, SES, SCI Aerospace, Goldman Sachs and official partners by Space Foundation Colorado USA, Planetary Society, Space Generation Advisory Council Austria, Universe Awareness Japan, NIA, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Spacewatch Global.  

Amujuri Biswanath also said that a week-long program of webinars, conferences, competitions, projects and awards is being organized on various topics for students, teachers, scientists, space enthusiasts, journalists, entrepreneurs, general public and community organizations. The objective of this program is to provide information and make people aware about space science, near earth objects, satellite, rocketry, environment.

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